Monday, February 8, 2010

Travel In Sandals Traveler Profile: DAVE PROCUK

We want to give you a look at the four Travel In Sandals bloggers headed to Australia and allow you to get to know us a little better. To do so, we each answered a set of travel-related questions inquiring about our travel experiences, likes, dislikes, habits, traditions and more.

Here is a look at DAVE PROCUK:

1. What do you look forward to most when visiting a country or city?
I'm like Zane Lamprey from Three Sheets, I want to understand the culture, take in the highlights of what make a location worth visiting. And most notably, show me a few great bars and local drinks to meet some locals!

2. What is something you always travel with?
Open mind. Cash. And now....passport!

3. Do you have a routine or tradition that you always do when you travel?
Aside from repacking my suitcase three times because I don't know what to take, not really. I try to take every day as an opportunity to experience the vacation destination. If there is a constant, it's usually grabbing a few beers throughout the day along with some local food.

4. If you hosted a Travel Channel show, what would the premise be?
I think you mean, WHEN I host a Travel Channel show... I'd try to make it different so it would get picked up for multiple seasons. I would put the focus on the location's people and how to make the most of any given day. So for instance our time in Brisbane, we've got 24 hours, what will I do in those 24 hours.....tune in to find out!

5. What is a pet peeve of yours committed by other travelers?
Oh where to start? One, the idiots at the airport who don't understand how a security line works. People who board planes early even though their row/group hasn't been called. And finally and most importantly, people who are closed minded. Going abroad isn't like going to Vegas; it isn't the States, if you go in expecting it to be, you will surely be disappointed.

6. Now that you’re going to Australia, how many continents have you been to?
Sadly, this will only be #2. I've seen a lot of the Caribbean, but this will be my first trip truly abroad!

7. What do you splurge on when you travel? What is a must have?
A blowout night so that you can take the memory with you for life. You can't put a price on a memorable experience.

8. What is the one thing you look forward to most when you get home?
We are coming home? Seriously though, I'd say seeing friends and loved ones, as well as the excitement of planning the next trip. Once home I'm always amped to go somewhere else! However, since we aren't coming home from this trip....

9. What is your dream travel destination?
Being from Ohio, Australia was always #1. I wanted to study abroad there in college, but it was too expensive. It just always seemed so far away. I'm now living out a dream of mine, which is incredible. If I have to name the next spot, I want to do French Polynesia and sleep in a grass hut over the crystal clear water with glass floors gazing into the ocean...2011?

10. What would you do to get on the Amazing Race?
Just about anything! I guess step one would be to beg my job to let me take a month off! Seriously, I just got into the show over the past few seasons and what an amazing travel adventure and experience! I would pretty much embarrass myself to the point of near humiliation to get on the show!

11. What is your favorite travel location you've been to and why?
Saint Maarten with a day trip to the most beautiful beach ever in Anguilla. The laid back atmosphere, beautiful beaches and ice cold Carib beer and Guava Berry rum made the trip one to remember. I'd love to make it a regular trip!

1 comment:

  1. You and Richard Branson huh David? Livin the dream.....Life is measured not by the number of breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away........I think its going to take about a year to wipe that smile off your faces!! Enjoy!

    I once heard a young boy say, "Why Do We Have To Go To The Stupid Beach?" At the time, there was not a defined answer; but looking back I guess the answer was for the exposure to the beautiful things that life exposes us to. So enoy the beaches now, and continue living your dream. Have a few cold ones for me. L,D.
