Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Travel In Sandals Traveler Profile: MATT DIANELLA

We want to give you a look at the four Travel In Sandals bloggers headed to Australia and allow you to get to know us a little better. To do so, we each answered a set of travel-related questions inquiring about our travel experiences, likes, dislikes, habits, traditions and more.

Here is a look at MATT DIANELLA:

1. What do you look forward to most when visiting a country or city?
The food by far. It tells a lot about a country and it’s one of the main things that gets me to come back to a place.

2. What is something you always travel with?
A pillow. I love me a nap, especially on a plane or in a car.

3. Do you have a routine or tradition that you always do when you travel?
I didn’t know I did this, but my grandparents noticed whenever I get to a hotel I always unpack all my clothes and put them in the drawers or in the closet – even if I’m staying at a place for one night.

4. If you hosted a Travel Channel show, what would the premise be?
I really like “Dhani Tackles the Globe” where he visits countries to train and compete in their most popular sport – rugby in England, jai alai in Spain, kickboxing in Cambodia. It’s like a combo travel and sports show, which would be up my alley. Add a little culinary angle like something from Anthony Bourdain’s “No Reservations” and you got my perfect show.

5. What is a pet peeve of yours committed by other travelers?
Not trying the local cuisine. People who travel to a country and eat McDonalds or something ridiculous like that upsets me.

6. Now that you’re going to Australia, how many continents have you been to?
Five – North America, South America (Brazil), Asia (Thailand), Europe (England, Italy, Germany) and now Australia.

7. What do you splurge on when you travel? What is a must have?
I tend not to worry about cost when it comes to food. I’ll spend an extra dollar or two to get not just good food, but lots of food. I want to try it all – street vendors, markets, nice restaurants, middle of the road joints, home cooked meals, whatever.

8. What is the one thing you look forward to most when you get home?
My bed.

9. What is your dream travel destination?
Two places – I have not traveled to Spain and that’s a big TO DO. Second, there’s a Villa Dianella 20 minutes outside Florence, Italy in the Tuscan countryside that I’d really like to visit – www.villadianella.it.

10. What is your favorite travel location you’ve been to and why?
Tough to narrow it down to one so I’ll pick a couple – Florianopolis, an island off the coast of Brazil was amazing – gorgeous beaches, delicious local food and nonstop night life. Munich during the 2006 World Cup was pretty stellar. Munich on its own is a great city but during the World Cup, the vibe and atmosphere was unbelievable. And finally, Ko Panang during a full moon party. It’s a tiny island in the Gulf of Thailand filled mostly with backpackers and on a full moon they have an all-night party on the beach and in the jungle, it's epic.

11. If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would your final meal be?
Something homemade by my mom like her famous meatballs and sauce or her delicious ground turkey tacos with shredded cheese, black olives and taco sauce. Both are simple and delicious, but the memories that come with every bite are unmatched.


  1. Vicious dig at Altman in #5. This could be a long trip!

  2. remember that one time in Bangkok when the cab driver said, ti ti ti ti titicap! Thai Hok!

  3. Remember that one time at band camp? What a surprise, Matt is all about the food. Hey, Matty, your Mom's gonna be jealous!

  4. hey matt i think everything ur doing is amazing hugs and kiss your friend priscilla from miami .

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