Monday, February 15, 2010

T-minus Two Days...Quick Thoughts

We're two days away from heading to OZ and we keep getting the question, "What are you going for? For work, traveling with family, visiting friends?" We reply, "For fun." Their facial expressions are if that's not a good enough answer. Like we should be ashamed or feel guilty about splurging on such a trip without a bigger purpose.

This got us thinking, everyone has his or her own reason to travel. Some are in search of life-changing experiences, some are testing boundaries, some want to enjoy time with friends and family, and others are simply escaping their daily life and pressures. We'd say all that factors in, but perhaps the biggest thrill is the freedom. The freedom to explore the planet at our own will. The freedom it brings your mind, body and spirit. It starts when you select a destination. In our case, anywhere in the world was up for grabs. It was almost like we spun the globe and wherever it stopped is where we were going. It’s an amazing feeling to have that sort of freedom. You think about all the amazing, historic, cultural cities and countries across the globe and you pick one...any one. If that’s not fun and a good enough reason to travel then we don’t know what is.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like a good enough reason to go to me. What a great way to end your 2nd decade or start your 3rd!
    I hope you all have a great time and no one gets sick or hurt! (that's the worrying mother in me) Thanks for the blog. I look forward to reading it. Anne
