Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 10 - Shorter Bucket List; Back to the Homeland

It's a satisfying feeling when you cross something off your bucket list. Some bucket list items are big and some are small, but either way, it's not everyday you check one off the list so when you do, it's important to take the time to enjoy it. My moment was standing on the highest point of Machu Picchu looking over the iconic Incan ruins with the mist and clouds partially covering the beautiful backdrop of Huyana Picchu. I got that feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction.  

Returning home from an adventure is always bitter sweet. Obviously, it's great to return to your neighborhood, to your bed, to comfort. But it's sad to be finished traveling, trying new things, and meeting new people. The key is to not think of it as 'finished. ' It's just a hiatus. The daily grind of work is just the in-between until the next escapade.

I was asked what the best part of this trip was and I said there was a point when I was sitting atop Machu Picchu that was just majestic. Seeing how the massive granite peaks of the Andes mountain range engulf and protect the intricate Incan town, was definitely something special.

As amazing as that was, I'd have to change my answer now that I've had some time to think about it. My favorite part of this trip was how good friends from different parts of the world came together in a far flung country to eat, laugh, irritate, and have a great time. How often do you hear of a person in LA calling a friend in NY and saying let's go visit a friend in Lima and we can hang with him and his friends from Mexico and Ecuador. Along the way we'll meet people from Italy, UK, France, Spain, Chile, and numerous other places. That's so rad, so worldly. So, my favorite part about this trip is how it represented how international we've become.

Next up? Not sure...maybe Scandinavia, possibly Tokyo, or even back to South America (Brazil) for the World Cup in June 2014. We shall see.

Thanks as always for following along on our adventures. We truly appreciate the comments, emails and feedback. Until next time, travel whenever you can, and if possible, keep it casual and travel in sandals. 

A few of our favorite photos:

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